Administration of medicines: Next steps in learning...

Last updated: Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) have a practical guide to administering medicines via enteral feeding tubes

You may also like to read a detailed review of some of the factors that healthcare professionals need to think about in this area in an article from the American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (you will need to register with the MedScape site first for access). Note that it is a US publication so some of the brand names etc. are different to the UK.

HEE's e-LfH platform has a helpful e-learning package for social care staff and other professional carers on how to safely manage medicines for patients with dysphagia.
An important aspect of drug administration that can lead to errors, is the calculations that are sometimes required. If you are uncertain about your competence in this area, then there is a tutorial on drug calculations on this site that offers various online resources to help you, as well as a quiz.

We haven't mentioned the inhaled route much during this topic but there are many different types of inhaler on the market, but pharmacists should be able to advise on their correct usage. The Asthma UK website has advice on correct usage, and also a series of videos showing how some of the devices should be used (see the bottom of the webpage).

The covert administration of medicines is a topic that you may be asked about. CPPE has a Mental Capacity Act and covert administration of medicines workshop to help you to develop your knowledge and skills in this topic. CPPE also has a series of Mental health distance learning cards, focusing on different areas of support for people living with mental health conditions. Covert administration of medicines is covered in card 7. 

SPS has guidance on the subject of covert administration as well.

There is a BMJ learning package on prescribing, preparing, and administering injectable medicines safely. You need to register with the site to gain access.

Packages on Infusion devices are available on the e-LfH site.