On-call training: Introduction

Last updated: Monday, June 03, 2024

This section of the Medicines Learning Portal helps to prepare foundation level hospital pharmacists to undertake an on-call role. Click here for the learning outcomes for this topic. Of course, you'll need local training before you start as well, but we offer three national resources here to assist you:

1. A checklist before you begin

This describes duties and functions that you should feel competent to take on before you begin an on-call role. You can download it here. There is the option for you to complete this checklist with your line manager, or for you to adapt this generic list to your local situation.

2. Scenario training for on-call

We will show you some clinical problems that you may be asked to deal with, and suggest approaches you can take to help resolve them. Click on 'Next Page', below, to access this material.

3. On-call favourites

We have prepared a list of websites that may help you when on-call. We will keep the list up-to-date, but you may like to bookmark the page so you can find it quickly out-of-hours. Remember that you may also have local guidelines and protocols and so make sure you know where to find these beforehand.

Note that pharmacists who are not new to these duties may still like to use this site for refresher training – especially the checklist, above.

Almost any subject on the Learning Portal might be helpful to you occasionally in an on-call situation, however you may want to particularly refresh your knowledge with these:

Now click on Next Page to go to the on-call scenarios...