Please check out our brand new topic on pharmacogenomics aimed at pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and trainees working in primary and secondary care. If you have the time, please let us know what you think here.
Our vision is to provide resources and expertise that will help UK pharmacists at the beginning of their careers to tackle the clinical problems that will confront them throughout their professional lives. This site is aimed at trainee and foundation level pharmacists in hospitals.

All pharmacists involved with patient care need clinical problem solving skills to deliver medicines optimisation and the WHO Medication Without Harm global challenge. On this website we will assist the development of these skills by:
- Providing knowledge about medicines, and addressing basic principles of medicines safety for key subject areas.
- Showing the right questions to ask when problem-solving.
- Recommending sources of information about medicines.
- Guiding pharmacists on how to apply their professional judgement.
- Advising on communication techniques for delivering expert advice.
This site is designed for hospital pharmacists in their first 1,000 days of practice and there is a one page overview of the site as a PDF. Some content may also be of interest to hospital pharmacy technicians, community pharmacists, CCG pharmacists, and pharmacists returning to hospital practice after a career break.
How to use the site: follow this link for documents to help you track your progress through this site and provide evidence of your learning, plus assessment documents and a site map.
Management and Partners: the site's project team, management board, and partners.
IT Requirements: minimum spec for you to access the whole site and make best use of it.
Site Limitations
The contents of this site can be used freely by NHS staff to train themselves or other NHS staff. We consider community pharmacists and staff working in GP surgeries to be included within this definition. We do try and ensure that the content of this website remains up-to-date and accurate, but individual healthcare professionals are themselves responsible for ensuring that their learning and practice reflects the current state of knowledge and the expected practice within their own organisations. Clinical professionals are also responsible for applying what they've learned to the individual demands of patients under their care, and we can't take account of every possible clinical scenario when preparing these learning materials. We link to external websites that we believe are helpful, but are not responsible for the content of these websites.
None of our materials can be copied, or used for commercial purposes, without our permission - please contact us if you are considering this.