Research: Next steps

Last updated: Monday, May 06, 2024

Find out who is doing research already in your pharmacy department, and ask if you can help or collaborate.

In this tutorial we haven't talked about research ethics, but you may need approval from a research ethics committee for some studies. This is now organised via a centralised process overseen by the NHS Health Research Authority, and there is a decision tool to help you decide if you need research ethics committee approval. An application is not something you would be expected to take on by yourself, but you may wish to understand the process.

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society provides a range of resources and support for pharmacy professionals who are members, whether new or more established in terms of research. This includes one-to-one advisory sessions, and a toolkit to allow pharmacists to assess their research skills and to assess their knowledge gaps.

Pharmacy Research UK is an organisation that supports pharmacists and pharmacy to improve healthcare for the benefit of patients and the public. Their mentorship scheme is designed to help pharmacy professionals looking to develop their skills within a research environment.