Medicines Safety e-Learning (test page only)

Last updated: Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Adverse Drug Reactions

Adverse Drug Reactions  NHS Education for Scotland

Overview: Includes classifications of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and drug allergies, identifying and managing ADRs, risk factors for developing ADRs and strategies to minimise risk. Also describes how to report ADRs as ‘Yellow Cards’. There are six modules.  Click for detail, or to close details box 

Free or subscription?
Free worldwide
Registration or password needed?
Any restrictions on use
Duration (approx)
Six modules lasting about 1hr each
Intended audience
Doctors, nurses, pharmacists and dentists in primary and secondary care
Other potential audience
Physician associates, any healthcare staff
Certificate of completion?
Exit test questions or quizzes
Yes, but for pharmacists only

Adverse Drug Reactions  Medicines Learning Portal

Overview: Basic introduction to help healthcare staff decide if a patient's symptoms are caused by a medicine or not, with guidance on management, talking to patients, and online information sources to use in practice    Click for detail, or to close details box 

Free or subscription?
Free worldwide
Registration or password needed?
Any restrictions on use
Duration (approx)
Takes about 1hr
Intended audience
Junior  pharmacists in NHS hospitals.
Other potential audience
Other pharmacy staff, nurses, junior doctors, physician associates, new prescribers
Certificate of completion?
Exit test questions or quizzes